Showing two "My Documents."  Help!
What you want to see in Libraries folder can be controlled by its properties, for example right click Documents go to properties and remove what you dont want. -CrDev Blogs:
March 21st, 2012 7:12am

I have Windows 7 Hm Premium. Im showing two "my documents." Which is confusing me as to which one I am supposed to drag to if I want to drag something in File Manager to the Document folder. Surely, Windows 7 would not have two documents showing in the Library that would confuse everybody. Which of the two can I delete (of course, after copying any file not in the other)? In File Managers Library, its laid out like this (with my notes in italics and in paranthesis): Libraries - Documents (contains 41 items broken down30 file and then the other 11 files are within 10 different folders) + My Documents (contains 37 items [which are the same exact files as in the above Documents minus 4 files] broken down30 file and then only 7 folder (instead of 10 folders that are in the Document folder above.) + Public Documents (contains 6 files and folders downloads, and an audio book I downloaded) Broken down in File Manger, it is C:/Users/dad/My Documents (without the extra Documents). Having two Documents in the Library is causing me to drag documents to one sometimes, and dragging to the other Documents folder at other times. I dont want two of them. Which one can I delete safely? I dont want the Public Documents folders either, but it must be necessary because it is storing my Downloads in Public Documents. If I delete Public Documents, will my downloads download to another folder? Thank you. Stephen
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March 24th, 2012 10:21pm

What you want to see in Libraries folder can be controlled by its properties, for example right click Documents go to properties and remove what you dont want. -CrDev Blogs:
March 24th, 2012 11:56pm

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